
How To Calculate Pooled Variance In Excel

Statistics Definitions >

Pooled variance (also chosen combined, composite, or overall variance) is a way to estimate common variance when you believe that dissimilar populations have the same variances.

The pooled sample variance formula is:
pooled sample variance formula


  • n = the sample size for the offset sample,
  • k = the sample size for the 2d sample,
  • S2 ten = sample variance for sample one,
  • Southwardii y = sample variance for sample two.

Information technology's unlikely you lot'll actually need to apply the formula though. Virtually statistical software has an option for pooled variance, like R or SPSS. Yous can as well endeavor this online calculator for Pooling the Means, and Variances.

The foursquare root of pooled variance is the pooled standard divergence.

When Tin I Use Pooled Variance?

If you believe the population variances are the aforementioned, one way to check that you might be able to use pooled variance is to calculate a ratio of sample standard deviations: ratio of standard deviations for pooled variance

If this ratio is close to 1, then you can probably utilize pooled variance. This is a judgment call, but in general a ratio of 0.5 to 3 is a reasonable indication the variances are shut enough (Penn State).


Penn State Eberly College of Science Department of Statistics. 7.iii.1.1 – Pooled Variances. Retrieved February 25, 2020 from:


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